Southeast Sulawesi

Southeast Sulawesi (Indonesian: Sulawesi Tenggara, Sultra for short) is a province of Indonesia on the island of Sulawesi, forming the southeastern peninsula of that island, together with a number of large offshore islands such as Buton, Muna, Kabaena and Wawonii, plus smaller islands and islets. The capital of the province is Kendari, on the east coast of the peninsula.The province has no highway connecting it to the rest of the island, and the primary transportation link is a ferry across the Bone Gulf between Watampone (Bone) in South Sulawesi and the port of Kolaka in Southeast Sulawesi.
Tourism Site
Province of Southeast Sulawesi have some tourism site that interesting to visited, such as Kapabale River, Kabaena Island and Wakatobi Island.
1. Napabale Island

For those of you who are or plan to be traveled to Southeast Sulawesi then stop at Muna . Because in this area there is a tourist attraction that is unique and interesting to visit . Yes , Lake Napabale name. The lake is unique because it has salt water. Here you will enjoy the lake at once with its beaches. Because in this lake there is a natural tunnel with a length of approximately 30 meters and a width of approximately 9 meters that are connected directly to the beach Strait of Buton.
2. Kabaena Island

Kabaena is one small island separated from the island of Sulawesi , but store a variety of natural beauty is priceless. On the island you will see Kabaena in natural scenery such as beaches , the hills are very unique , and there is also a cave that holds a variety of beauty .
3. Wakatobi Island

Wakatobi island famous for its underwater tour which is very beautiful. Under the sea Wakatobi , many species of coral steps forward to your arrival . And do not have any doubt about the underwater panorama of natural beauty , diversity terumbuh coral and sea bioata who were there had occupied the highest position of Indonesian marine conservation. Not just about the reef , under the sea there is a playground 93 species of fish . And one of them is a manta ray has a gigantic size .Several species of sea turtles also make this place as residence , including olive ridley turtles , hawksbill and loggerhead sea turtles .

That is the picture that describe the conditions in Wakatobi underwater.
Traditional House

Banua Tada
Banua tada a tribal house Wolio or Butonese in Buton , Southeast Sulawesi Province , Indonesia . Custom shaped stage house is unique because it can stand upright without using a single nail .Banua tada a dwelling house Wolio tribe or people on the island of Buton Buton , Southeast Sulawesi . Banua words in the local language means home while tada word means elbow . So , tada banua can be interpreted as the home of the elbow. Based on social status , the structure of this house is divided into three namely Kamali , banua tada tare pata pale , and tada banua tare pounding pale .
Traditional Dance
There are four traditional dances in province of Southeast Sulawesi , they are
a. Balumpa dance

Balumpa dance comes from Wakatobi , Binongko area and Buton . This dance depicts the excitement of the dancer as a form of greeting upon arrival of guests from outside who come to their area . This dance tells the story of a group of beautiful girls who were chanting accompanied by the song and folk music using stringed musical instrument . The beauty of dance Balumpa visible when the dancers were humming with a sincere heart and understand the meaning of the movement will be undertaken .This dance is usually performed by 6-8 people , some in pairs male - female , and there are also women . In Wakatobi , dance Balumpa displayed when reception arrival of important guests from outside and within the country. This dance also displayed during big events , such as the sail Wakatobi , Indonesia sail or sail bunaken .
b . Dinggu dance

Dingu dance is a traditional dance from Southeast Sulawesi, precisely originating coming from Tolaki tribe. According to Tolaki folklore, the rice seed is coming from the decease of seventh angel that coming to Earth. Hence, after the harvest time, they held a thanksgiving celebration to God that celebrated by the local people.In order to gain more rice, Tolaki people are held Modinggu ceremony. Modinggu ceremony is a mass working to plant rice seed in the field that did by the Tolaki’s teenagers at dawn till night. Therefore, the Dinggu dance was created during Midinggu celebration.
c . Molulo dance

Malulo or Lulo dance is a traditional dance from areas Tolaki , Southeast Sulawesi . Traditional dances as well as dances Malulo called friendship. This dance is performed by the position holding hands and forming a circle . Participants dance is not limited by age or class , anyone can participate in dance Malulo .
d . Motasu Dance( farming )
Motasu dance tradition lifted from Tolaki in Kolaka and Chennai . Overall expression describes the application to the gods so that farming can protect and later blessed with abundant results .
Traditional Costume

Men wear traditional clothes in the form of headgear ( bonnets ) , fashions suit gloves limited knee cap and trousers .While women wear baju kebaya . Above their heads is ornate flowers and other decorations in the form of earrings earrings , necklaces , and bracelets . This custom clothing comes from Kendari .
Traditional Weapons

Keris is a traditional weapon of the people of Southeast Sulawesi / shaped dent notched like a dagger in general . Palaces and royal Sultan Buton bull is very famous in the history of armed resistance against the Dutch . Keris and swords used for war at close range , while the spear , spear and blowgun for long-distance war
Musical Instrument
Province of Southeast Sulawesi has five musical instrument , such as
1. Gambus

2. Gong

3. Gendang

4. Seruling Bambu

5. gamelan
That`s all about Southeast Sulawesi, if you want to know details about it, you can visit Southeast Sulawesi in your holiday , see you on next post guys
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