Sabtu, 11 April 2015

South Sumatra

Hello friends, today I'm going to post about South Sumatra, sooo here is the posting..

South Sumatra

South Sumatra is one of the provinces in Indonesia, located in the southern part of the island of Sumatra. The area is about 113.339,07 km². South Sumatra, Jambi province borders the northern, province of Kep. Bangka-Belitung in the eastern, Lampung in southern and western in provinces of Bengkulu. The capital of South Sumatra is Palembang.

Tourism Site

South Sumatra have some nice places to visit, such as, Danau Ranau, Pulau Kemaro, Taman Purbakala Geding Suryo, Gunung Dempo, Bukit Salero, Museum Timah, Pantai Matras, Pantai Tanjung Kelayang, Pusat Tenun Songket, Kawah Tengkurep, Air Terjun Tenag.

Danau Ranau

Traditional Dance
Tari Putri Bekhusek is the princess who was playing. The dance symbolizes the prosperity of South Sumatra. Motion in this graceful dance.

Traditional House

Rumah Limas is the traditional house of South Sumatra. It is characterized by a pyramid-shaped roof. This traditional home has a floor-level called bengkilas.

Rumah Limas

Traditional Weapon

South Sumatra have some traditional weapons, there are, Keris, Tombak, Pedang, Badik and Siwar. Siwar is a dagger-shaped weapon but without indentation. While the sheath and hilt siwar made of hard wood, but light in order to carry and use with ease. Usually handles of siwar ornate flowers or plants.

Traditional Music Instrument

Accordion is the traditional music instrument of South Sumatra. Its sound source is Aerofon, using both of our hands, one hand is as a self-strains of votes while the other hand is as self-tone.


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